September 28, 2018 3 min read


While going through newspapers or digital media one might come across the term Biotechnology. Although many of us might not be familiar with the use of this modern day revolution, its application is now all around us. The advent of the breakthrough technologies in the field of biology (hence coined Biotechnology) has paved way for various therapies to diagnose and treat diseases. These methods broadly include the development of test kits for early diagnosis of a particular disease to its cure by means of gene modification.


Biotechnology can be defined as a technology that uses a biological system, either living or obtained, to modify a product or a process. Although the technology is yet to gain commercial use, a number of processes are in final stage ensuring it becomes the mainstream in the field of medicine.



Rapid Diagnostic Kits

Unlike earlier diagnostic tools, these kits are easy to use, requires small sample and provides accurate results in minimum time. It also ensures workers can avoid coming into direct contact with the disease-causing organisms.

Detection of gene-related diseases during development in the uterus

Advancement in this method enables us to diagnose any error in genes while the baby is still in an early developmental stage in the mother’s womb.

Correction of an error in our gene

This technology involves obtaining error-free part of a DNA from other biological organisms which in turn can be inserted into a human body. This one time process provides permanent cure to many genetic diseases and for a number of heart diseases.

Bio-pharmaceuticals and bio-proteins

Medicines manufactured using the process of biotechnology provides a promising treatment for hereditary diseases in individuals resulting from an inheritance of faulty genes from their parent.


Examples of bio-proteins developed using biotechnology

  1. Insulin for diabetes: By inserting genes responsible for producing insulin one can get rid of conventional methods like taking of insulin orally or by injections regularly.
  2. Growth hormones: Biotechnology has provided us with treatment for stunted growth in individuals who lacks genes responsible for height development.
  3. Bio-protein to cure anaemia: Anaemia is a major health issue in many developing countries, especially among women, that goes untreated. It is caused by iron deficiency in our body. Inserting genes responsible for producing iron offers a way to tackle anaemia.


Lack of vaccination in early childhood is a major cause of infectious diseases among children globally, leading to their early death. Vaccines developed using biotechnology techniques have been approved and are now used worldwide to provide immunisation thereby bettering human health.


  • Polio Vaccines: Polio is a disease mainly affecting children, caused by virus attracts leading to partial paralysis. Earlier polio vaccines involved huge production costs and were administered through needles scaring the children. Thanks to biotechnology modern day polio vaccines are not only cost effective but can be given orally.
  • Cancer vaccines: For long traditional vaccines have failed to target cancer-causing agents in our body. Cancer vaccines developed through biotechnology using samples from cancer patients has provided us with a strategy to deal with the virus responsible for causing cancers.

Biotechnology is emerging as a cheaper, safe and permanent cure for many diseases. Its contribution to health care appears as a boon as it does not involve repeated intake of time-bound medicines which could be daunting to an aged person and is absolutely free of side effects.

By Sayani Chatterjee

Guest Author and Student of Biotechnology


Role of Biotechnology in Improving Human Health, Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis | The Prenatal Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases, NCBI | The Future of Gene Therapy, NCBI | Recombinant vaccines and the development of new vaccine strategies, NCBI

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