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With aging, certain diseases of the leg may affect elderly adults. The knee joint is most referred to in case of musculoskeletal disorders, especially osteoarthritis. Frozen knee syndrome, Tendinitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, tenosynovitis, chondromalacia (runner's knee) are some other conditions that might affect your knee joint, as is commonly claimed by orthopaedic specialists. Different types of arthritis like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout as well as other diseases like muscular atrophy, osteoporosis limit your walking ability. If you are suffering from one or more of these conditions, the chances are that your bones and muscles are weakened, increasing the risk of fractures, sprains, and strains. Research work published by PubMed Central shows that plantar fasciitis, bunions, heel spur, ankle sprains can trouble your feet and ankle with growing age. The general symptoms of disorders of leg include pain, stiffness, difficulty in walking or standing, etc. Neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease, Ataxia or Foot drop cause loss of motor functions in legs and feet and induces shaking or trembling.
Many assistive products have been developed to help you to manage problems of your leg better. Heat therapy products like heating pads, infrared lamp or massagers, foot warmer, hot and cold gel packs provide pain relief and comfort. Supports, wraps, and braces for knee, ankle or thigh relieve pain by warm compression and immobilization. Anti-slip tapes, mats, and floor solution protect you from falls and slips in wet or polished zones in case of mobility limitations. Walking sticks and walkers support you in walking better. Grab bars in bathrooms and corners of the house help you to maintain balance around the house. Commode chairs and toilet seat raiser ensure ease in addressing your bathroom needs.

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