
Caring for Ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological disorder where the muscle coordination is lacking when a voluntary movement is attempted. Causes of ataxia can be genetic or accidental damage to cerebellum/spinal cord. It may be limited to one side of the body. Common symptoms of ataxia are difficulty in speech, trouble in eating and swallowing, walking, picking objects, constant fatigue, blurred vision, pain etc.
Treatment of the underlying cause and physical therapy can help best in the management of ataxia. Using walking sticks or walkers helps to support during walking. Safety and prevention aids like Anti-slip floor solution, tapes as well as grab bars, prevent falls and slips during movement with weak footing. Specially designed utensils and cutlery which are easier to grip and maneuver can be used for eating. Speech therapy and communication aid can help in speaking. Self-help devices such as magic needle, card holder, easy-grip knife and scissors, no tie shoelaces help make daily living activities easy. Infrared massager and cold packs provide relief in case of occasional pains.

Zindagi Mail