
Caring for Stroke

Stroke is an emergency medical condition where the blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted, depriving the brain tissues of oxygen and nutrients, which causes death of brain cells. There are mainly two types of stroke - Ischemic (due to clot or blockage) and Hemorrhagic (due to bleeding). The main symptoms of stroke are severe headache, loss of movement and feeling in one side of the body, troubled speech, vision and coordination. Persistence of the problem can result in loss of bladder control, pain in hands and feet, depression etc. The risk of stroke increases with age and seniors above 65 years are at higher risk.

Stroke demands immediate medical attention. If you suspect your loved one is having a stroke, check for the F.A.S.T ( F- Face drooping, A- Arm Weakness, S- Speech Difficulty, T- Time to call Ambulance) symptoms to confirm and get instant medical help.
Post stroke recovery methods include physical therapy (practising movement and coordination), occupational therapy (improve the ability to carry out routine daily activities), speech therapy, healthy eating and exercise to strengthen the body. Installing grab bars, use of anti-slip solution or tapes in slippery and wet areas prevent falls and accidents. Adult diapers can be used to maintain personal hygiene in patients with limited mobility. Assistive devices such as Reachers, easy grip cutlery, buttoner, special hairbrush and comb, Sock Aids promote independence and boost the patient's confidence. Walkers help in independent movement post rehabilitation.

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